Monday, November 19, 2012

An Ounce of Prevention

There is a saying that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. Although this statement is normally references disease and illness, it is a simple statement that can translate into many aspects of life if you just use your imagination.

Violent crime is on the increase, and we are well aware of this. We watch the news and see a guy assaulting a woman for her cell phone of all things. This particular assault was an unprovoked, blitz attack. In hindsight we see what could have been done differently. But what are we doing to keep ourselves and our children safe now?

These types of attacks on women have been in the news recently. It's time for you to reflect on your daily activities and question yourself; could this happen to me? Could I be a victim of this type of crime? Are there any instances where I inadvertently expose myself to this type of situation? Most importantly, do I know what to do if I get attacked?

Each of us will probably answer yes to at least one of these questions. The big question to ask yourself is; what can I do to limit the exposure of myself, and my loved ones to this type of victimization?

  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Be aware of suspicious looking people. If it walks like a duck...(better safe than sorry)
  • Text and then put your phone away rather than walking and texting, or engaging in a conversation with your phone out in the open around suspicious people
  • Give them whatever valuables they want
  • Nothing is worth your safety and life
  • Teach your children about the real dangers of the world
  • Enroll yourself and/or your children in self defense (this action shows acceptance of the dangers and a willingness to learn how to avoid or deal with the dangers)

We live in a society where violence is becoming more commonplace, yet many of us still have an attitude that it will never happen to us. Unfortunately, we never think about it until it's too late.

An ounce of prevention is the equivalent to buying insurance IN CASE your house burns down. Failure to prepare is in fact preparation to FAIL!

Siu Lum Canada is Winnipeg's Shaolin school. We teach the Siu Lum style of kung fu. Our training revolves around real life situations and real life solutions. There is no question that we will not answer.

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