“No way!” said the frog. “You’ll sting me
and I’ll drown!”
“Of course I won’t sting you,” said the
scorpion. “If I sting you we will both drown, and that wouldn't make
So the reluctant frog let the scorpion
climb onto his back and started to swim across the river. Half-way across,
the scorpion stung him.
“Whoa!” cried the frog. “You said you wouldn't sting me! Now we’ll both drown. Why would you do that?”
And the scorpion replied: “it’s my nature.”
We, as a society, are beginning to live in a constant state of denial. We have forgotten our true nature. We attempt to suppress it daily, yet it finds its way out. We are violent. It is a fact. We all have violent tendencies. We try to fool ourselves into believing that we are incapable of violence.
Take this scenario for example: As a parent
you come across a bully sitting on top of your child, punching away.
Do you:
- Talk to the bully and explain what is wrong with his/her actions?
- Do you wait to address it with the bully’s parents?
- Or do you immediately and violently rip this bully off of your child?
I would go with the last response, and I
believe most parents would do the same. Does this make me a bad person? I don’t
think so. I acknowledge my violent nature, and through my martial arts training
have learned to cultivate and control it.
By constantly trying to suppress our
competitive, and sometimes violent nature, we are creating extremes. We have
people who are passive and unable to deal with any conflict. By comparison, we
have violent offenders. For our passive citizens the most minor action against
them can be traumatic and shut them down; or worse, cause them to break down.
This can be seen as a random act of violence perpetrated by an otherwise good person. We are creating children who
do not know rejection. We are afraid to tell them “No”. They grow up with this
sense of entitlement and are unable to rationalize when they don’t get what
they want. The schools don't make them repeat the grade if they fail. Recently
in Edmonton , a
teacher was fired for giving his students an F. Some youth sports already do
not keep scores, so there are only winners and never losers. Parents are
powerless to discipline their children due to societal norms.
Our children grow
up not knowing consequences. Kindergartens are taught about assault and what it
means in terms of the law. We keep them so sheltered from any type of conflict
that they grow up without the necessary rationalization skills to comprehend or
think through a problem. Instead they act like toddlers throwing a temper
tantrum and lash out at the very environment that created them.
There are people in neighborhoods throughout
the world who face violence and death daily. By contrast, there are people in
gated communities who try to put as much separation between themselves and
those neighborhoods. We prefer to watch violence on the news and give thanks
that it’s not happening here.
Well, it does. And it will continue to
happen here. I am not religious, but I will occasionally use quotes I am
familiar with. “Love thy neighbor”. I agree with this as it preaches treating
others with love. However, it says nothing about trusting your neighbor.
Without trust, there can be no betrayal of trust. You can love your neighbors
all you want…there is nothing wrong with not trusting, and being cautious.
We get our fill of violence on television
through our sports and cable programming. “It’s entertainment” we tell
ourselves. Yet a good portion of these viewers will not admit that they are
capable of the same violence that they are watching.
“To your own self, be true.” Accept and
acknowledge who you are and the evil things you are capable of. This is the
first step to being a good person. If you don’t believe you are capable of evil
things, then you are in denial. Many “good” people who believed that they were
doing what is “right” have been behind some of the most despicable atrocities
throughout time. Hitler believed what he was doing was the “right” thing to do,
and I’m sure he thought himself to be a “good” person no matter how deluded we
think he was. The Catholic Church was responsible for a convert or die campaign
during the crusades.
We cannot ignore these facts. They give us
the ability to reflect, acknowledge and learn. Every culture has endured its
level of violence. We have had wars over beliefs and opinion. Does it make it
right? Nope, but it’s a fact.
Each and every one of us has had a moment
where we have had a violent or aggressive thought and subsequently dismissed
it. The fact that you can consider the action with thought is an indication
that you are fully capable of executing that action. This doesn't make you a
bad person. It just makes you a person.
We need to accept our violent nature. You
cannot suppress your aggression to the point of inability to recognize it
within you. Once you accept that you are capable of violence, then you have
taken your first step towards controlling, not suppressing, your violent
nature. It is part of our primal drive, and it is who we are.
I'm sick and tired of people blaming video games for our
current epidemic with children. Be it obesity or violence. It's called
parenting people. Be involved with your children. Invade their room and spend
time with them. Engage them in activities and teach them the difference between
right and wrong.
I know it's hard when two incomes are now required just to
live and survive. I know you are tired from your day at work. I know your kids
hate you and don't want you around. Make the choice today to intervene in your
children's lives, and sacrifice some of the overtime and income if necessary to
be the kind of parent you want your kids to grow up and be like.
I have made many sacrifices for my children and postponed
dreams just to be sure that I would be an influential part of their lives. I
can always make more money. My peace of mind comes from knowing I did my best
to provide the guidance and support for them. Remember they learn from example,
and if your actions don't match your words then you can't blame them for
copying your mistakes rather than listening to your advice.
Siu Lum Canada is Winnipeg's Shaolin school. We teach the
Siu Lum style of kung fu. Our training revolves around real life situations and
real life solutions. There is no question that we will not answer.
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