It can be a very big mistake to overlook the importance of
proper mindset, especially when it comes to martial arts training.
Many martial arts utilize a focusing technique to achieve proper
This is great when you have time to concentrate and build
focus to hit with maximum power (picture martial artist about to break
The problem is that an altercation can occur in a moment’s
notice, leaving very little time to "prepare" the martialarts mindset. The solution is to train proper mindset.
What I define as
proper mindset is the appropriate level of intent for the task at
hand. If you train with a self defense attitude, then ultimately
you are fighting "not to lose". This is a defensive
mindset and does not allow you to match the level of aggression of your opponent.
Instead you end
up playing tag with your opponent with hopes that you can
deter further attacks.
If you are unwilling to do harm to someone who is trying to
hurt you, then no amount of training will keep you safe. Instead,
train your mind and body to become a weapon. Accept the fact that you
may have to do harm to protect yourself from injury or survive with your
Raise your level of aggression above the level of your
opponent and respond with a counter attack.
Martial arts, like some styles of kung fu, Tae Kwon do and
karate, have become influenced by tournaments and sport arts like
MMA. There are no rules in a street fight, and the person who is
willing to do anything to win or survive will triumph.
Take your training to the next level through proper mindset preparation. I'm not saying you need to become a violent
person; rather, you need to learn how to harness, control and direct
the violence within you.
This is part of the "master one’s
self" philosophy of martial arts.
Siu Lum Canada is Winnipeg's Shaolin school. We teach the Siu Lum style of kung fu. Our training revolves around real life situations and real life solutions. There is no question that we will not answer.
Watch our video and get a glimpse of what we do at Siu Lum Canada.
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